We're starting a blog! Why? Well... why not! Here we'll be posting updates and news from around the Ceevio Art universe... and anything else that might take our fancy. We'll see!
So ... Welcome to the Ceevio Art blogosphere!
We're going to kick off with a team bulding event we hosted in Sydney recently.
Here's a few pics and vid from the second 'Clyde & Co.' team building event we did at their George St, Sydney premises.
Our 'paint and sip' team building activities in Sydney are not only creative and lots of fun for everyone participating, they also foster positive thinking and demonstrate how incredible results can be when new ideas or challenges are approached with an open-mind.
Our 'paint and sip' team buiding activity can be for any sized group - large or small. If you're in the greater Sydney area, we come to you. Contact me to discuss how we can be a part of your next event!